Get the stats to make to moves.
RMR (resting metabolic rate)
This quick and simple test gives the accurate measures of your bodies calorie burn when not active. We can then use this to determine your calories needed to lose weight, gain mass or stay healthy while you push your training. For even more fine tuning add body fat testing to help calculate macros based on you, not the average.
VO2max testing. $100
The best measure of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. Use your results to tailor your heart rate training for improved fitness over time.
cryo-compression $1/minute
Our Gamready brings the benefits of 32 degree cryo with progressive compression to flush lactic acid, improve blood flow for repair and decrease soreness. Refresh after a long run or speed recovery after injury or surgery. Available for legs, shoulder and ankle.
Gait analysis. $25
Detailed analysis of your movement for injury prevention and fine tuning speed and efficiency..